Congreso Dolor Crónico




This October, in Valladolid, we celebrate an Unrepeatable Scientific Event, with which we want to build interdisciplinary bridges between doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians and occupational therapists, in addition to filling us with energy for the social and health challenges that we already have in our day to day.The best speakers have made a parenthesis in their lives, leaving what they had in hand and crossing half the world, to be able to be at this event. This year, the entire Scientific Community will be aware of what is said in Valladolid, at the I International Congress on Active Coping with Chronic Pain.It is clear that we need to see each other now, that we have to continue building together the interrelation of these professions that we love so much, to give the best approaches to patients with chronic pain. In October we have a place reserved for you in Valladolid. We want to see you, and as always, share, exchange, enjoy, debate..., in short, talk about what we all do to combat this other silent pandemic, that of chronic pain.In this congress, we will also have our moment to remember our colleague Miguel Ángel Galán. The legacy of Louis Gifford, the legacy of Miguel Ángel Galán and that of many other colleagues inspires us to continue sharing and advancing together. Complex problems need to be tackled as a team.See you at the Congress and encourage yourself to actively participate in the Week of Active Coping with Pain in Valladolid.We count on you!!